Politics is the Art of the Possible

Jay Costa - John Delano

I sat down with Jon Delano on his Sunday morning program to discuss how we break through gridlock and get legislation passed in Harrisburg.

We talked about enacting several pieces of legislation on these important topics:

  • New laws to end the time limits on child sexual abuse
    • Removed ability to create nondisclosure agreements on abuse
    • Enhanced penalties for mandated reporters failing to report abuse in a timely fashion.
  • Eliminated the criminal statute of limitations
    • Removes the statute of limitations for individuals abused who are under the age of 18
    • 20 years state of limitations for individuals abused between the ages of 18-23
    • For individuals abused who are 24 years and older – the existing statutes remain in place
  • Expanded ability to file civil claims
    • Individuals abused prior to age 18 may bring a civil lawsuit until age 55.
    • Individuals abused between the ages of 18-23 have 30 years to pursue a civil claim.
  • Ban sales of tobacco for people under 21 years of age
    • The goal was to minimize the number of kids who have access to tobacco products.
  • Allow for hunting on 3 designated Sundays
  • Raising the minimum wage
    • Passed a plan to increase the wage over the next several years.
      • $8.00 by July 2020
      • $8.50 by January 2021
      • $9.00 by July 2021
      • $9.50 by Jan 2022

Some of these bills will make their way to the house, and there are some areas where Democrats would like to go further, like with the minimum wage increase and a two-year statutory window for minors who were abused.

But the progress we did make represents Democrats and Republicans working together to bring forth some changes the people of Pennsylvanian have been asking for.

We also discussed some of the measures I’m still fighting for like gun reform measures and investing in early learning and childcare programs.

Originally posted in:KDPG Sunday Edition
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In the Press

Interview with WTAE

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