Putting Pennsylvanians Back to Work

Putting Pennsylvanians Back to Work

Governor Wolf recently signed Senate Bill 841 which will help local communities and businesses respond to the COVID-19 health crisis.

This bill was a bipartisan measure that had wide support, and one that I fought very hard to move forward quickly. It has a few important features that will help us keep putting Pennsylvanians back to work while we continue curtailing close physical interactions.

In particular, Senate Bill 841 allows:

  • Local governments to conduct remote public meetings
  • Tax districts to waive late fees and penalties for property taxes paid by December 31, 2020
  • School districts to renegotiate contracts with service providers to ensure payments are made to personnel during school closures
  • Remote notarization of documents, which plays a key role in allowing online vehicle sales

We know the virus has stretched our economy to the limit and has caused strain and stress for many people. And while it is very important that we put people back to work, we must do it in a way that keeps our residents safe and does not allow the virus to continue spreading.

We need to continue following the advice of health experts in Washington and Harrisburg as we begin to reintroduce business sectors into our economy.

Senate Bill 841 is a big step in the right direction, and rest assured we’re going to continue working together to make sure all Pennsylvanians are put back to work as soon as possible!

You can learn more about the economic initiatives I support and what we’ve done to create more sustainable, good-paying jobs here at home.

Thank you for your continued support, and please stay safe!

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